Build an abundant life as a Healer and serve others at the highest level
Certification of Ignite Your Spirit Energy Healing
Build an abundant life as an Energy Healer and serve others at the highest level
Certification of 
Ignite your Spirit Energy Healing
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Help people to blaze like the sun with energy, vitality, enthusiasm and good health.
We are excited to announce that we are bringing back a newly refurbished Ignite Your Spirit Healing training in early 2023. Now the program is even more accessible for you. We will be offering our signature training program - a full Certification across 15 months, as well as individual 10-week certificates.  Become a fully accredited IYS healer with the certification OR broaden your skillset with stand-alone certificates.  The choice is yours!
What is Ignite Your Spirit Healing?
IYS Therapy is a healing modality created by Shakti Durga. It works through the etheric body to connect with the soul and uplift the mental, emotional, and physical dimensions of our being.

You can learn how to remove stale, old energy that acts like congestion in our physical, mental and energetic subtle bodies.  With Ignite Your Spirit healings, you can help people to clear away the clouds that block their shine, allowing the inner lustre, spark and joy to radiate from within.